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A soldier proudly holds his son on his shoulders, the child waving an American flag, symbolizing the hope of military parole in place for their family.

Military Parole in Place
Get Quijano Law's Expertise for Your Family's Parole in Place

Military Parole in Place: Atlanta Immigration Attorneys | Quijano Law

With Quijano Law, a premier immigration law firm in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area, you can navigate the complex parole in place system with confidence. Our seasoned team has a wealth of experience with military parole in place applications, providing guidance to those who need it most.

Understanding Parole in Place (PIP)

Parole in place is a discretionary benefit offered by USCIS to certain undocumented family members of U.S. military personnel and veterans. It allows eligible individuals to pursue lawful permanent resident status without leaving the U.S., a valuable opportunity amid complex immigration challenges.