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Family seeking an immigration lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia.

Atlanta's Premier Family Immigration Lawyers
Trust Our Expertise for Your Family's Green Card Needs in Georgia

Reunite with Your Family: Atlanta's Premier Family Immigration Lawyers

At Quijano Law, our experienced team of family immigration lawyers is committed to helping you navigate the complex process of obtaining a green card through a family member. Whether you're seeking a green card through a US citizen or a lawful permanent resident (LPR), we're here to provide personalized guidance and support throughout the process.

Obtain a Green Card Through a US Citizen Family Member: Eligibility and Requirements

Our family immigration lawyers understand the importance of reuniting families, and we can help you meet the requirements for obtaining a green card through a US citizen family member. We'll guide you through the process, which may include the following eligibility criteria:
  • Immediate Relatives: spouse, unmarried children under 21, and parents
  • Family preference categories: adult children (married or unmarried), siblings, and their eligible family members
  • Affidavit of Support: from the sponsoring family member
  • Admissibility requirements: for example, background checks and medical examinations